Thursday, February 1, 2007

Gas Prices = Supply and Demand is a BOLD FACED LIE!

Ok, I've went back and looked at these numbers for the 6th time. I must be missing something here. Over the past year, 2006, Sales/Demand were consistent, Supply was steady but started to decline in August, and Price dropped consistently starting in July. These are numbers from the Energy Information Agency. Conventional Economics says that if you have a steady demand and decreased supply, Price will GO UP! The numbers don't support the propaganda we are being fed.

Until someone shows you data otherwise, it is clear that Gas prices are manipulated by future traders, big oil and Opec. Supply and Demand does not set the price. Therefore, what I propose to do as President is necessary, timely, achievable and ABOUT TIME for Working Americans. We don't need to be contributing to the obsene profits...fair profits, yes, but they are out of control. As your President, I'll take this issue off the table for the next 20 years with a guaranteed price of $1.25/Gallon.

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